Keys & Locks

Key Depot manages keys for students in residence halls. Its responsibilities include handling loaner keys, lock change requests, let-in service for room lock-outs, replacement mailbox keys and combinations, and lock repair.

Lock or Key Emergencies

Problems that might qualify as a lock or key-related emergency include:

  • Door won’t lock/unlock
  • Key doesn’t work
  • Key stolen with ID

For all lock or key-related emergencies, call Key Depot at 202-994-6706 option 1. Key Depot will assess the situation and request a locksmith if necessary.

For other facilities-related emergencies, call Facilities Central at 202-994-6706 option 2. This line is staffed 24 hours a day.

Chargeable Lock and Key Requests

  • New keys
  • Lock recodes

Additional Information

GWorld Cards and Keys

Permanently Lost or Stolen Cards/Keys

When your GWorld card is stolen or permanently lost, go to the GWorld Office during business hours to obtain a replacement. If your card goes missing when the GWorld Office is closed, pick up a 24-hour loaner access card from the Key Depot (24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the Support Building, 2025 F St.). Your lock will not need to be changed as your lost card will simply be deactivated.

When your key is stolen or permanently lost for a suite entrance, Facilities Services will change the lock. Call Key Depot at 202-994-6706, option 1. See instructions below to follow if your key is stolen/lost, your GWorld ID and Key are stolen together, or if you are temporarily locked out of your residence. 

Stolen Key Along with GWorld Card

If your key and GWorld card are both lost or stolen, this is considered to be a key emergency. Please follow the steps below:

  1. If your Key and GWorld card have been stolen together, you must file a theft report with the GW Police Department (202-994-6111) and make a note of the claim number for verification with Key Depot.
  2. Next, call Key Depot at 202-994-6706, option 1, or come to the appropriate Key Depot window (Foggy Bottom Campus: Support Building, 2025 F Street; Mount Vernon Campus: West Hall, B105*). Please have your claim number ready for verification if applicable.
  3. A university locksmith will be dispatched to change your lock as soon as possible (typically within 4 hours).
  4. The Key Depot will issue a loaner key, and if needed, a temporary GWorld access card that must be picked up by the resident at the appropriate Key Depot for use until the lock has been changed.
  5. The locksmith will leave a hang tag on your door once your lock has been changed and an email notification will be sent to all occupants of the room. After receiving this notice, all room occupants must pick up new room key(s) from the appropriate Key Depot office.
  6. GWorld card or GWID verification with picture ID will be required.
  7. Roommates will not be charged for the new key unless they fail to turn in their old key(s).

*At the Mount Vernon Campus, the GW Police Department will perform a let in service between the hours of 8pm and 10am.

Stolen or Lost Keys Only

If only your key has been lost or stolen, this qualifies as an escalated service call depending on the circumstances. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Call Key Depot at 202-994-6706, option 1, or come to the appropriate Key Depot window (Foggy Bottom Campus: Support Building, 2025 F Street; Mount Vernon Campus: West Hall, B105*).
  2. The Key Depot will issue a loaner key that must be picked up by the resident at the appropriate Key Depot for use until the lock has been changed.
  3. A university locksmith will leave a hang tag on your door once your lock has been changed and an email notification(s) will be sent to all occupants of the room. After receiving this notice, all room occupants must pick up new room key(s) from the appropriate Key Depot office.
  4. GWorld card or GWID verification with picture ID will be required.
  5. Roommates will not be charged for the new key unless they fail to turn in their old key(s).

*At the Mount Vernon Campus, the GW Police Department will perform a let in service between the hours of 8pm and 10am.

What to do if you are temporarily locked out of your residence hall or suite:

For buildings with tap readers, you can use the CBORD Mobile ID app for Android or iOS.

If you are unable to get into your building, go to your campus Key Depot to obtain a temporary loaner card and if needed, a temporary GWorld access card. You must show your current GWorld card or verify your GWID number along with a current photo ID. The loaner key/keycard must be returned within 24 hours to avoid charges as listed below. If you are unable to visit the campus Key Depot, please call 202-994-6706 option 1. At the Mount Vernon Campus, GWPD will perform a let in between the hours of 11:00pm and 8:30am.

Transportation assistance from GW Safe Ride:

If you are locked out of your room between 8pm-4am on the Foggy Bottom Campus, you may call GW Safe Ride to bring you to the Support Building Key Depot (2025 F Street) to obtain a loaner card/key. If you want GW Safe Ride to bring you back to your residence hall you will need to call again to schedule another ride. You may call GW Safe Ride at (202) 994-RIDE (7433).

GWorld card replacement for suites with tap access entry:

During GWorld Office Hours, go to the GWorld card office in the University Student Center, Lower Level for assistance.

If outside of GWorld office hours, go to the Support Building Key Depot (2025 F Street)  to get a temporary GWorld access card (GWorld card or GWID with a picture ID is required).


  • 24-hour loaner key or GWorld access card: $0
  • GWorld Card replacement fee $25
  • Lock change for Key and GWorld card stolen together accompanied by GWPD claim number: $0
  • Lock change for permanently lost or stolen key or unreturned loaner key: $75
  • Key not returned for replacement after a lock change: $10
  • Unreturned loaner GWorld access card: $50

Lock Broken - Resident Hall Room

If your door will not lock, call the emergency line: 202-994-6706 option 2.

For all other room access issues, contact Key Depot: 202-994-6706 option 1. A Key Specialist will assess the problem and, if necessary, call to have a GWorld technician or locksmith fix the issue (GWorld Card or GWID with a picture ID is required).

  • Do not put items between the door and the frame to prop your door open. This creates stress on the hinges and may force the door out of alignment thus in turn preventing the door from locking. If your door seems loose, submit a FixIt request. Do not wait for it to become an emergency.
  • Do not use tape to prevent your door from locking automatically as this drains the tap reader’s battery.
  • Do not use WD40 to lubricate your lock. It may help in the short term, but this will cause the lock to collect dirt and dust. Dirt and dust will make it more difficult to use later on.

Key Won’t Fit in the Lock

For all physical key issues, contact Key Depot: 202-994-6706 option 1.

Lock Broken – Bathroom Door

If you have locked yourself out of your bathroom, you should still be able to open the door from the outside. If there is a groove in the knob, try using a butter knife, screwdriver, or coin to turn it. Other bathrooms doorknobs will have a hole in the middle. Try inserting a paperclip to push the button inside and release the lock.


Unless you live in South Hall, you do not have the key to lock the deadbolt from the outside and you will not be provided with one.


Mailbox Combination Instructions

  1. Clear the combination by turning several times to the left (counter-clockwise) and stop on the first number.
  2. Turn right (clockwise) past the first number once. Continue turning and stop on the second number.
  3. Turn left (counter-clockwise) and stop on the third number.
  4. Turn right slowly until it stops and pull to open the door.

Forgotten Mailbox Combination

Visit the Support Building Key Depot (2025 F Street) to obtain your combination (GWorld card or GWID with a picture ID is required).

Lost Mailbox Key

Visit the Support Building Key Depot (2025 F Street) to obtain a replacement mailbox key (GWorld Card or GWID with a picture ID is required). There is a $10 fee for each replacement key.

Broken Mailbox Lock or Door

If your mailbox door cannot be secured or the lock is broken, submit a FixIt request.

Academic / Administrative

Academic / Administrative Lock Broken

If you have a door that won’t lock, the problem is most likely either the lock itself or the door’s alignment. If the latch bolt does not line up with the hole in the frame, the issue is the door’s alignment. Try opening the door and looking to see if the key turns in the lock while the door is in this position. This will help us determine whether to send a carpenter or a locksmith.

Do not put items between the door and the frame to prop the door open. This creates stress on the hinges and may force the door out of alignment, preventing the door from locking. If your door seems loose, submit a routine FixIt request. Do not wait for it to become an emergency.

Do not use WD40 to lubricate the lock. It may help in the short term, but this will cause the lock to collect dirt and dust. Dirt and dust will make it more difficult to use later on.

Key Won’t Fit in the Lock

If the key stops part way in the lock, it may appear that something is jammed inside, but more likely it’s an out of place pin. Try tapping the key gently to see if that solves the problem. If not, contact Facilities Central at 202-994-6706 option 2.


If you’re locked out of a room you are authorized to use, such as your office or a classroom, contact GWPD at 202-994-6110.

University Key Policy

The University Key Policy established formal administrative procedures for control of keys that is applicable to all university departments.

General requirements of the policy are: FPCM is responsible for overall management of keys used throughout the university and for issuing keys to department heads, deans, and chairpersons who are responsible for keys issued to them.

The University Key Policy requires department heads, deans, and chairpersons to develop departmental key control policies to prevent unauthorized access to their buildings. The Policy charges each Department with appointing a Key Control Monitor to administer their key control program. Departments authorized to hold master or sub-master keys will also appoint a Key Box Manager. Guidance on developing this policy can be obtained from the Director of Facilities Management.

Any facilities related requests may be submitted through FixIt.